Zion National Park
It was in the winter of 2020 when I first truly discovered just how incredible reflected light could be. I was revisiting my favorite creek in the park this morning and was hoping to find something interesting at my feet. There was a chill hanging in the air and I was so very cold. I had one thing and only one thing on my mind: Ice.
I followed this creek to its end in hopes of finding an ice pattern to not only photograph, but to also witness. I had yet to see the intricate patterns ice could create in this lifetime. As I neared the end of the creek, I thought I was out of luck. I turned around to head back and noticed a sheen in the creek. Ice! I didn’t notice all of the thin ice I was walking by because I wasn’t looking at the creek at the correct angle! The sun had yet to climb over the high canyon walls so I waited.
Once the sun peeped over the canyon wall behind me and began inching down the canyon wall in front of me, I braced myself. I did not anticipate the wildly vibrant scene that would unfold in front of me. A mixture of deep blues and radiant oranges absolutely brought this thin ice to life. The photograph I captured that day, “Arrowhead”, has become a favorite of mine. I also learned a lesson that day.
Quit walking so fucking fast.